[Parse Runs | Experienced Raiders]
Now Recruiting! Blitz offers a competitive yet fun raiding environment, where skilled raiders from all over the world come together to push the limits. We cater to hardcore players aiming to top the logs and social raiders looking for their spot in the raiding scene. Every reset, we host raids for both our main raiders and socials.
Raid Times:
What We Offer:
We're Looking For:
Apply now: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1URGrNNMHlvel1PVh7JgOR1_U_b7YOUgZL-hdilVppe4/edit
Contact Sunde, Balazz, Aeydin or Dethprincess in game. Link to our discord if we aren't reachable in game: https://discord.gg/KxksgHXFP3
Momentum juega 2 veces por semana por un total de 8 horas
Day | Start | Duration |
Mié | 19:00 | 4 horas |
Dom | 19:00 | 4 horas |
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¡Momentum está recrutando!
Bandas, Mazmorras, Social
¿Para qué actividades está reclutando Momentum ?
¿Cual es el lenguaje primario usado en Momentum?