Blackwater’s utmost goal from its outset is to be a positive addition to the classic community. Predicated on the idea that, through positive reinforcement, the on going contributions of its members and the dedication of upstarts - anyone driven can be given the tools to succeed in raiding. Leadership is solemnly committed to this vision and the effort of providing the best classic experience Blackwater can.
Leadership is always available for any questions and concerns in the earnest effort to provide this experience, even to the individual member’s expectations, to the best of our collective ability.
Envoyz / Chëf / Galaadrial / Hundwasser in game
No se ha establecido ningún horario
Estos datos se basan en los recientes informes de Blackwater
Blackwater no está recrutando en este momento.
Bandas, Mazmorras, JcJ, Social
¿Para qué actividades está reclutando Blackwater ?
¿Cual es el lenguaje primario usado en Blackwater?